
ウナギが絶滅危惧種? 知ってるようで知らなかったウナギの話 – Eel Deal –

そんな現状を、多くの人々に知ってもらうため、Greenpeace Japanとのコラボレーションで、ウナギのエキスパートの東京大学・

The Eel is Endangered?! Something you thought you knew, but you really did not know… – Eel Deal –

On June 12, 2014, the IUCN (International Union for Conservation) added the Japanese eel to the red list. Many may wonder, “what does it mean that the eel is endangered?” Although the eel is a very familiar food to the Japanese, very few actually know of the real circumstances of the eel. It is now becoming necessary for the sake of the future, to manage the resources of the eel, along with other marine resources.
This short film was made in collaboration with Greenpeace Japan and features Eel Expert Professor Aoyama from Tokyo University, to shed the light and to help others gain awareness towards the plight of the Japanese eels.