
Fairwood film『東北の木と暮らそう』

日本は国土の70%近くが森林に覆われた国です。にもかかわらず、木材の自給率は30%にも満たないのが状況です。国内には使われずに無駄に切り捨てられている(切り捨て­間伐)木や使いたいけれども採算が合わないという理由で使用を見送られている木が沢山あります。そんな木たちを使ってほしい。もっと森林のことを知って欲しい。それ­がFairwood Partnersの願いです。 今回は、東北支援を兼ねて、福島・宮城・岩手の三県の木工の盛んな地域を訪ね、森と共に暮らし、そこから出てくる木材を使って丁寧に木の食器やカトラリーを作っている人々­を取材・撮影しました。
Fairwood Cafe fairwood.jp/cafe/
Fairwood Partners fairwood.jp/

『東北の木と暮らそう』Fairwood ‘Tohoku movie’ by Fairwood Partners from abovo on Vimeo.

Fairwood Film: “A Life with Tohoku Wood: Use of Japanese Timber”

Japan is a country with 70% of its land covered in forest. Nevertheless, the current self-sufficiency rate of wood consumption is 30%. Many trees are being cut and discarded without use domestically, and such cutting and discarding eventually leads to the thinning of forests. Though many would like to use wood and timbers, due to the lack of profitability, the trees have been shelved for use. It is our goal to have for these trees to be used. We would also like for the people to know more about these forests. That is the wish and goal of Fairwood Partners. In support and for the aid for Tohoku, this time we visited and followed the thriving community of woodworkers at Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate Prefectures, who make a living using the timber from the nearby forest, carefully creating refined table wares and cutlery from wood.

Fairwood Partners
Fairwood Cafe