期間:2010年5月20日(木) 6月30日(水)
時間:月-金 11時から19時。最終日のみ13 時まで。
場所:Nature Info Plaza 丸の内さえずり館 千代田区有楽町1-12-1 新有楽町ビル1F
“Where Did the Rainforest Go?”: The Tropical Peatlands of Indonesia Now -Installation Exhibition
abovo was responsible for the production, planning, design, and installation of an exhibition held by the Japna Tropical Forest Action Network (JATAN). The art installation method was appropriated and applied to help conveying and indicating the risks that the primeval forests, which have spread across Indonesia and the Sumatra peatlands, currently face.
Date: Thursday, May 20th – Wednesday June 30th 2010
Hours: Monday-Friday 11:00 AM-7:00 PM
Location: Nature Info Plaza “Marunouchi Saezurikan”
Address: Shin-Yurakucho Bldg. 1F, 1-12-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo